
11.D 解析:题意为国际化学生有可能遭遇到来自不同地区,国家,不同价值观的学生。encounter是遭遇的意思,所以选D.A项是“对抗,报复”,不符合题意。 12.D.解析:有一句话叫“顾客就是上帝”,所以顾客customers后应接表示“至高无上的”的单词 uppermost。 13.A.解析:首先,their后面应该跟着复数,答案只有A是复数,其次呢,B项指的是发展,D项指的是“涉及,参与”,A与C项的区别是,A指的是比较抽象的,C想更广泛,A项更准确,综合来看就选A项。 14.B.解析:A项指“长距离的”,B项指的是“存在很久的,长年的”,C项指的“长寿命的”,D项指的是“远程的,长期的”,根据题意,珍惜友谊应该选择B项。 15.B.解析:题意为更倾向于,A,B均有此意,但B项还有“易于”的意思,更接近题意需要,注意make搭配,可以排除C,D项。 16.B.解析:首先a后面应该接名词,所以A排除,D也排除,因为表示罪恶,错误,它表达的意思最肤浅,停留在字面上,B和C比较来说,C是羞辱的意思,只有B项表“邪恶”。 17.A.解析:distance表示距离,表示距离的选项中只有名词“Light year”表示“光年”。 18.B.解析:固定搭配,“turn out to(be):结果是,最终是,turn in 表示上交,turn on/off 表示开关开(关)。 19.D.解析:题意为:任何一个国家的文化都不能孤立,脱离的发展,表示孤立的单词是D项,“isolation”:孤立,脱离。 20.D.解析:句子中后面提到“dry weather”,一个句子应该前后照应,对应的那个所谓的one cause is "drought"---干旱! 回答完毕,参考!



全国大联考第7次的答案语文 CBBCB CCBDC 数学 DCDDA BCBDD AC 理综 生物-BCCBA 化学-CCACBDAB 物理- BC A BC AC A C CD 英语 ————- 1.A suggestion 2.A seldom 3.C smooth 4.B bottom 5.D paddle 6.C 不填;the 7.A unnoticed 8.B who 9.C and 10.C have signed up;killed 11.B What a surprise! 12.D 50% as low a price as 13.B give:away 14.A expense 15.C should 16.D in the act of 17.B Seldom do we get 18.C Got the time 19.B Let me see 20.A it 21-25.DACBA 26-30.DDABC 31-35.DACBA 36-40.ADBCD 41-45.ADCBB 46-50.ADBAD 51-55.CCBCD 56-60.ACBAD 61-65.BDGCA 单词拼写 66. ashamed 67. branches 68. charged 69. construction 70. mysterious 71. persuading 72. geography 73. meanwhile 74. recognise 75. temeperature 改错 76. graduate改为graduated 77. much改为many 78. with改为from 79. 正确 80. am 81. discouraging改为discouraging 82. to后加he 83. How改为what 84. kindly改为kind 85. receive改为receiveing









71. suddenly/ abruptly did the earthquake occur (未用倒装扣1.5分;副词写错或时态错误扣半分)

72. What fine/ wonderful weather (What或weather写错扣1.5分;加了不定冠词a或形容词错误扣半分)

73. runs/ can run twice/ two times faster/ more quickly (run时态或人称错误扣半分;倍数比较法错误扣1.5分)





24 A 25 C 26 C 27 B 28 D 29 C 30 B 31 C 32 D 33 B 34 A 35 C


36、(36分)(1)特点: 至东南向西北递减(2分) ;大部分地区的年降水量在600mm-1000mm之间(2分);山地地区多,平原地区少(2分)。


数学(文):湖北省八校2011届高三第一次联考(word版附答案) http://www.gaokaovip.com/sjxz/gszq/14660.html

数学(理):湖北省八校2011届高三第一次联考(word版附答案) http://www.gaokaovip.com/sjxz/gszq/14661.html

语文:湖北省八校2011届高三第一次联考(word版附答案) http://www.gaokaovip.com/sjxz/gszq/14662.html

英语:湖北省八校2011届高三第一次联考(扫描版附答案word版) http://www.gaokaovip.com/sjxz/gszq/14670.html

英语:湖北省八校2011届高三第一次联考(word版附答案) http://www.gaokaovip.com/sjxz/gszq/14671.html

文综:湖北省八校2011届高三第一次联考(扫描版附答案word版) http://www.gaokaovip.com/sjxz/gszq/14669.html

理综:湖北省八校2011届高三第一次联考(扫描版附答案word版) http://www.gaokaovip.com/sjxz/gszq/14663.html



2011届湖北省八校第一次联考 鄂南高中 黄冈中学 黄石二中 华师一附中 荆州中学 襄樊四中 襄樊五中 孝感高中 英语参考答案 1-20: BCACA ABBCB AABBB ACBBA 21-30: AACDA BCBAA 31-50: BABCD ADBCD ACABD ABADC 51-70: BDACA DCDBD ACCBB AACBD 71. suddenly/ abruptly did the earthquake occur (未用倒装扣1.5分;副词写错或时态错误扣半分) 72. What fine/ wonderful weather (What或weather写错扣1.5分;加了不定冠词a或形容词错误扣半分) 73. runs/ can run twice/ two times faster/ more quickly (run时态或人称错误扣半分;倍数比较法错误扣1.5分) 74. that her parents had (the)time (没有写that扣1.5分;时态错误扣1.5分;其他错误扣半分) 75. No matter how hard I try/ However hard I try (No matter how hard 或however hard写错扣1.5分;其他错误扣半分;如写成Hard as I may try 或Try hard as I would等句型,仅表示转折关系“虽然我努力了”,而未表达出让步关系“无论……”,所以不能给满分,扣半分) 76. will have come to light/ will have been brought to light (light误用冠词或复数扣半分;其他错误扣1.5分) 77. that being a volunteer/ that to be a volunteer (没有写that扣1.5分;冠词错误扣半分) 78. was held tomorrow (was held错了扣1.5分;其他错误扣半分) 79. (When he was) Informed of/ about what/ the thing that (had) happened (Having been informed 扣半分;介词错误扣半分;happen时态错误扣半分;what或that连词错误导致句子结构错误的扣1.5分) 80. in which case/and in this case (任何错误扣1.5分) Sample writing I think this is a good phenomenon. Firstly, university is not suitable for everyone. High intelligence is what it takes to study at university. If you are not lucky enough to be born smart, university is apparently not the place for you. However hard you try, working towards a career which you are not good at will not get you anywhere. Secondly, interests and talents play a vital role in your success of career and happiness of life. Having explored your talents and found out where your real interests lie, you should follow them, which will surely help you achieve your goal of life. To conclude, university is not the only way to success. What counts is to know yourself and follow what feels right.


1、(单选题) 7. They are considering _________ before the prices go up. A.of buying the house B.with buying the house 【C.buying the house】 D.to buy the house 2、(单选题) 2. My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate _________ from you sometime. A、to have heard B、 to hear 【C、for hearing】 D、hearing 3、(单选题) 3. The thief took away the woman’s wallet without _________. 【 A. being seen 】 B、seeing C、 him seeing D、seeing him 4、(单选题) ---- I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.  ---- Is that ____ you had a few days off?  【A、why 】 B、when C、what D、where  5、(单选题)Candies and chocolates are treats suitable for festive _______ . A、conditions B、occasions C、situations 【D、events】 6、(单选题)Comrade Li Dazhao, ___ librarian of Beijing University, was one of the founders of the Chinese Communist Party. A、sometimes 【 B、sometime 】 C、some time D、some times 7、(单选题)In the past, people used _________ that the moon was too far away __________. But now it is possible for man __________ there by spaceship. A. to think, not to reach, to get 【B.to think, to reach, to get 】 C.to thinking, to reach, will get 8、(单选题) The President ________ went to see the flood-stricken areas. 【 A、himself 】 B、did C、is said D、has 9、(单选题) 10. Your shirt needs _________. You’d better have it done today. A、 iron B、 to iron 【C、 ironing】 D、 being ironed 10、(单选题) Look, this roof is covered with ___________ leaves. (5分) A、falling 【B、fallen】 C、fell D、 felt 11、(单选题)When ______, the museum will be open to the public next year. 【A、completed 】 B、completing   C、being completed D、to be completed 12、(单选题)With the problem ___________, we are getting along even more smoothly. A、settles B、 to settle 【C、settled】 D、to be settling 3、(单选题) It was to save the child ________ he got drowned. A、that 【B、when】 C、but D、while 14、(单选题)After ___________ his work, he came to help me with my English. (5分) A、finished B、being finished 【C、finishing】 D、having been finished 15、(单选题)He _____ the good chance to present his proposal to the director, and at last, it was adopted. (5分) A、realized 【B、seized】 C、delivered D、released 16、(单选题)Most of the artists ___ to the party were fromSouth Africa. (5分) 【A、invited 】 B、to invite C、being invited D、had been invited  17、(单选题) The young couple _______ their new life to a railway train on a long unknown track. (5分) A、imagined B、figured 【C、compared】 D、cheered 18、(单选题)___________ in this light, the matter is not as serious as people generally suppose. (5分) A、To see 【B、Seen】 C、 Seeing D、Being seen
1 what a beautiful dress you have on today! d、thank you. 情景对话, 对于对方的赞扬用thank you 回答,西方礼仪。 2、we are next-door _______. d、neighbors 我们是隔墙的邻居。 3 the volunteers started looking after other children_____parents died of aids last year a、whose 考察定语从句。先行词children 和格后的parents 有所属关系用whose 引导定从 4、please stop __________. it cannot help the situation b、shouting stop doing sth 意思为停止正在做的事情,stop to do 停下来去做另一件事,这里是不要大喊大叫,这于事无补。 5、mark is a clerk ________ a job in a top bookstore d、for 6、not until most of the people had left the airport________his sister was there c、did he see 此处考察倒装,not until 位于句首,引起主句的半倒装。看时态,应知see 发生在left 之后,所以用过去时,而不是用过去完成时。 7although i am a good swimmer,i don’t like__________in the sea b、swimming like doing 表示长期以来的习惯 like to do 表示一时的好恶 8、( one of the benefits of the new model is that it is easier___________than the old one.(1分) c、to operate 有些形容词出现时,如easy,hard, difficult, comfortable, 可以构成sth is + adj. + to do 结构。某物很容易被。。。 如 the book is hard to understand. 9 i’d rather stay at home than________a walk c、take 此处固定结构would rather do than do. 10 don’t worry,your watch___________and you can have it in no time.( d、is being repaired 考察被动语态的时态。此处为你的手表正在被秀,你可以很快就拿到它 11 the mistake was_______by the carelessness of the assistant b、caused be caused by 由... 引起。 because 之后不加by, due和owing 后要加to. 12 all the team members tried their best.we lost the game,_______.(1分) a、however 但是。 althouth 和even though 尽管,but 不放在句末,

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