
名词形式:persuasion 形容词形式:persuasive



persuade 和 convince 都表示“说服”、“劝服”的意思,但在用法上有所不同。1、convince用作及物动词,意思是“使信服”、“使确信”,指通过讲道理、摆事实使人在理性上对问题具有认识或表示信服,后面可跟从句,of 引起的短语,人称代词和名词。如:I convinced him of her honesty.我使他相信她是诚实的。I am convinced of his mistake. 我确信他是错的。=I am convinced that he is mistaken.2、 persuade也用作及物动词,主要意思有“说服”、“劝服”、“使某人相信”,主要强调用说明、恳求、诱导等方式影响一个人的感情或愿望,着重通过说服某人不仅在思想上接受,而且付诸于行动。如:I persuaded him of my innocence.=I persuaded him that I was innocent.我说服他相信我是无辜的。



李世民 纳柬魏征,刘备接受诸葛亮隆中对,秦王接受李斯柬逐客书成就霸业



persuade 英[p??swe?d]vt. 说服; 劝说; 使相信; 使信服;[例句]My husband persuaded me to come我丈夫说服我前来。[其他] 第三人称单数:persuades 现在分词:persuading 过去式:persuaded 过去分词:persuaded




没有区别,意思一样,只是宾语后面的宾补形式不一样。persuade sb.to do sth. 动词不定式做宾补persuade sb. into doing sth 介词结构做宾补
两个意思一样,“说服某人做某事 persuade sb.to do sth (to后接动词原形) persuade sb. into doing sth 例: I persuaded him to give up smoking I persuaded him into giving up smoking
没有区别persuade sb. to do sth. = persuade sb. into doing sth
persuade也用作及物动词,主要意思有“说服”、“劝服”、“使某人相信”,主要强调用说明、恳求、诱导等方式影响一个人的感情或愿望,着重通过说服某人不仅在思想上接受,而且付诸于行动。例如: i persuaded him of my innocence.=i persuaded him that i was innocent. 我说服他相信我是无辜的。 i persuaded him to stop smoking.我劝服他戒烟。=i persuaded him out of smoking. try to persuade him to let us go with him.试着说服他让我们跟他去。


vt.& vi. 说服; 劝说; 使相信; 使信服 过去式: persuaded 过去分词: persuaded 现在分词: persuading 第三人称单数: persuades 同义词vt.1. 说服,劝服;使确信 over win convert convince induce 其他释义 actuate prevail argue induce win get move influence convict convert seduce satisfy coax enlist wheedle over convince sway 反义词vt.1. 说服;劝服 dissuade 其他释义 dissuade compel induce, persuade, urge, convince, counsel, coax这些动词均有“劝说,劝导,劝诱”之意。induce: 指用讲道理来使某人做某事。 persuade: 普通用词,指通过劝说、感情交流等而使对方做劝说者所希望的事。 urge: 语气强,指不断地热情地规劝诱导。 convince: 指凭行动、事实或言语使他人从思想感情上信服。 counsel: 较正式用词,指对一些较重大事情所提出的劝告。有时也用于非正式场合,但仍强调严肃的一面。 coax: 指用好话善意或耐心劝诱、哄骗某人做某事。 派生词persuadability persuadable persuasible
vt. 说服,劝说;使某人相信;劝某人做(不做)某事vi. 说服;被说服adj. 空闲的,有闲的
劝说,说服persuade sb to do sth 劝说某人干某事


persuade, induce, prevail, convinceThese verbs are compared as they mean to succeed in causing a person to do or consent to something. 这些动词在表达成功地使某人做或赞同某事的意思时是有区别的。Persuade means to win someone over, as by reasons, advice, urging, or personal forcefulness: Persuade 意思是用理由、建议、敦促或个人说服力来战胜某人:Nothing can persuade her to change her mind once it is made up. To induce is to lead, as to a course of action, by means of influence or persuasion: 一旦她下定决心就没有什么可以说服她改变注意。 Induce 是指通过影响或劝说的方式来引导,如行动方针等: “Pray what could induce him to commit so rash an action?” (Oliver Goldsmith). One prevails on somebody who resists: “请问是什么引导他做出如此轻率鲁莽的行动?” (奥利弗·戈德史密斯)。Prevail 用于指劝导抵制者: “He had prevailed upon the king to spare them” (Daniel Defoe). To convince is to persuade by the use of argument or evidence: “他已经劝导国王赦免他们了” (丹尼尔·迪福)。Convince 指通过使用论证和证据来劝服: “In science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs” (Francis Darwin).“在科学界,信誉属于以理说服世界的人,而不属于第一个提出观点的人” (弗朗西斯·达尔文)
persuadevt.说服, 劝服; 使相信Who persuaded you to join this society?谁说服你参加这个团体?We persuaded Harry that he was wrong.我们使亨利相信是他错了。I am almost persuaded of his honesty.我几乎相信他是诚实的。persuade, induce, prevail, convinceThese verbs are compared as they mean to succeed in causing a person to do or consent to something. 这些动词在表达成功地使某人做或赞同某事的意思时是有区别的。Persuade means to win someone over, as by reasons, advice, urging, or personal forcefulness: Persuade 意思是用理由、建议、敦促或个人说服力来战胜某人:Nothing can persuade her to change her mind once it is made up. To induce is to lead, as to a course of action, by means of influence or persuasion: 一旦她下定决心就没有什么可以说服她改变注意。 Induce 是指通过影响或劝说的方式来引导,如行动方针等: “Pray what could induce him to commit so rash an action?” (Oliver Goldsmith). One prevails on somebody who resists: “请问是什么引导他做出如此轻率鲁莽的行动?” (奥利弗·戈德史密斯)。Prevail 用于指劝导抵制者: “He had prevailed upon the king to spare them” (Daniel Defoe). To convince is to persuade by the use of argument or evidence: “他已经劝导国王赦免他们了” (丹尼尔·迪福)。Convince 指通过使用论证和证据来劝服: “In science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs” (Francis Darwin).“在科学界,信誉属于以理说服世界的人,而不属于第一个提出观点的人” (弗朗西斯·达尔文)
persuade-劝说, 说服how can i persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?advise-劝告, 警告, 通知they advised her against marrying quickly. 他们劝她不要太快结婚.

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