


您好!我是Stark, 留美四年,教学两年,对美国教育深有体会。这些步骤可帮助您高效率完成论文写作过程:一、决定主题。就是定下你的大方向,文章的主旨。例如,这篇文章的目的就是去让介绍人工智能。二、准备好写作大纲。首段,末段,以及主体。每一部分都很重要,其中首段要注意用一些方法去吸引你的读者,激起他们读下去的欲望。




① 给自己一点儿思考时间你以为只有deadline重要吗?其实思考时间和写essay的时间也同样重要。如果你在写essay之前就有过pre-thinking,那么你就会有足够时间去找相关材料,否则essay写到一半,才突然想到要找什么资料,那时候再去图书馆,写作思维会被打断。所以拿到assignment之后,先别急着下笔,给自己一个小时去思考一下。

② 跟你的导师讨论一下Tutor的作用并不仅仅是给你们讲课什么的。在你写essay之前,先去跟tutor见个面,说一下你最初的想法,都做了哪些research,然后提出自己的想法。导师知道那些大学examiner想要什么,他们是引导你达到标准的最好人选。③ 不要为了写而写即使是最好的作家在写文章之前也需要先计划一下,制定一个大致结构,不要一有什么想法就立马胡写一通。

你到底要写什么样的essay,想要到达预期的效果要做什么research?那就做个详细的研究计划,写个基本结构出来吧。④ 让你的好朋友来核查下论点有时候要做到essay的论点清晰明了真的很难,很难。确保你在跟别人交谈的时候有一定的逻辑性,有空就跟好朋友出去聊聊天,谈谈自己的论点,让他们帮忙验证下你的思维是否有矛盾之处。

要知道客观的视角能看到你自己看不到的东西。⑤ 不要忽略reference的重要性如果你reference出了问题,分数至少会减10%,而且英国大学抓剽窃抓得相当严(严到都要立法严惩了),想要复制粘贴基本不可能。一定要特别注意reference的格式和标点符号,毕竟,你也不想在这个不太重要的部分失分吧。

⑥ 校对一下写完essay之后,自己太过熟悉写的内容反而看不出来有什么小错误,这时候就需要新的视角来检查你的essay有没有拼写错误,可以让朋友帮你校对,也可以借助一些网络工具。⑦ 数字很重要就算你学的不是数学,essay里面出现的数字、图形、表格也要严格把关。如果是很明显的数据错误,examiner会毫不留情。

数字不是很敏感的小伙伴,找个人帮帮忙,最起码essay的页码不能出错。⑧ 让你的essay稍微有趣一点儿听说过视觉疲劳嘛?导师和examiner要看那么多篇essay,如果你的essay内容根本没有让人想要读下去的欲望,那么结果可想而知。你写的essay要让读的人有一种:嗯,这篇essay比之前看的都要生动有趣。

但是记住:不是让你写小说,不要太过了。⑨ 注意那些同形异义词和同音异义词电脑拼写检查辨别不出来那些同形异义词和同音异义词,比如:‘which/witch’, ‘buy/by’,‘right/write’,很多天朝小伙伴都会忽略这种错误,没有提醒拼写错误并不代表你的essay没有错误。⑩ 再检查下essay的格式格式的得分很容易就能拿到手,essay的行间距、边距大小、字体、引用样式都要一一检查。







文章好的开头决定了读者是否愿意继续看下去,那么开头的重要性就不言而喻了。 1.设悬念无论是小说还是文章,设置悬念是作者的惯用手法。比如,我们在看电视剧:电影:小说时,有没有抓心挠肝的迫切想知道下面的故事情节?设置悬念的三种套路①颠倒时间,如《百年孤独》的开头:“多年以后,面对行刑队,奥雷良诺.布恩地亚上校将会回想起,父亲带他去见识冰块的那个遥远的下午。



謝謝邀請。商科essay應該說不是很難,而且有一定規律可循。我幫您網上搜尋一下,介紹這篇短文供您參考。This blog post is an systematic guide on how to write an effective business management essay, it outlines some of the frequent pitfalls of management essay assignments. It also provides management students with a factorial program to business management essays and research papers. This is also intended for business related courses like human resource management,marketing, accounting,economics, systems consultancy, and others. I hope you get a better understanding on how to write a business management essay.People read management essays to acquire valuable current information that is timely. Moreover, management essays connects theoretical knowledge to concepts prevalent in the market. Management essays offer students an opportunity to apply theoretical information in the field. After all, management is a soft skill that requires development outside of the class setting. The essays enable students to reflect on the theories and various management frameworks applied in class. Writing a business management essay can be a daunting essay and a management student almost always requires support in meeting all the challenges related to the task.A management essay writer should design an essay that tests existing knowledge and develops it. The act of preparing the essay should be aimed at developing particular subject knowledge on management – Enhancing your know in a familiar subject is recommended. Your management essay should bear in mind that the instructor is interested in determining the level of knowledge of the student, thus the flow of reason is crucial. You should build logic arguments just like in a debate. In other words, you should be able to make the readers of your essay think logically, and do not just expect them to believe the statements made by the essay. The method of justifying your claims is quite crucial. One of the best ways to do this is to offer evidence for every claim made. An evaluation of the evidence will also come in handy.While writing management essays, it is always crucial to provide theoretical backing to claims and arguments. Connecting current affairs to conceptual ideas enables your readers to connect current information to past scholarly ideas. This provides room for critical thinking and the reader is left to be the judge of what they read. Some essays demand that you do more than a single task. For instance, some require that you provide an outline of the main organizational theories underneath modern management spheres. They also require a discussion of their importance to professional career situations. Such questions usually require that you do more than just describe the theories. The most usual written comment on management essays by examiners is something similar to “you have not responded to the question set”. Marks are never awarded in such instances because you have answered a question the examiner did not set.Perfect ResearchBefore writing a business management essay, it is crucial to have a plan. There are two types of plans that are crucial in writing management essays. Firstly, it is crucial to plan for the time you will need. Secondly, you need to come up with an essay plan. The amount of time is hard to determine as it depends on a number of elements. However, the most vital factor to consider while making a time plan include the level of knowledge you have on the topics that you intend to write about. If you intend to write on a topic you have little knowledge, chances are high that you will spend so much time. Management writers are always advised to focus on topics that they profess so much knowledge. These could include your most favorite topic or even topics you studied through case studies and field trips.Before writing the essay, make a plan of the possible visits. This could include visits to lecturers and tutors, social events, or field trips to management professionals. At this juncture, make a point of availing possible textbooks, journals, newspapers, articles, and other relevant materials on management issues. The internet can also offer vital information for the management essay. Making an ample data collection process is a crucial step in coming up with a management essay. This is because this stage can offer current and past information that can be used to contextualize the topic you are planning to write about. The nature and length of planning depend on the amount of information collected and length of the management essay.Before writing a business management essay, it is crucial for you to analyze the expectations that your audience are likely to have. Moreover, you should strive to ensure that the tone of your paper is formal and on point. Most management essay readers are elites and researchers seeking the underlying idea in every statement.Determining the structure of the essay is crucial before embarking on the writing process. Most management and academic writing present the structure to include the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. The introduction is the most vital part of the essay as it sets the pace for both you as the writer of a management essay, as well as the reader. The introduction is used to captivate the attention of the reader, thus it should be as interesting as possible. The introduction contains the synopsis of the management essay, and introduces various theoretical frameworks. The last part of the introduction should have a thesis statement. A thesis is a statement of claim made by an essay writer. The thesis statement offers the threshold on which the writer measures all other arguments and claims in the essay. A thesis statement provides the direction and tone of the essay hence should be constructed rationally.The introduction is followed by the body of the essay. This is the section where you present various claims, arguments, positions and knowledge. All the data collected are analyzed and their deductions presented for analysis. The body of a management essay should be able to connect past knowledge with current knowledge. For instance, when writing about organizational behavior, you should connect current organizational behaviors rampant in existing businesses and connect to classical management trends.It is also crucial to relate organizational practices to outside factors. Some organizations behave the way they do because of external elements like government policies and competition. The body of a management essay provides an explanation of the points introduced at the introduction stage and should reflect a clear flow. You should present your points in a systematic pattern of presenting your points from the strongest to the least strong. Before writing the essay, you should create an outline of the main points as this will facilitate a systematic flow. Highlighting the points will also ensure that you maintain your word count. It is always important to adhere to typographical and other guidelines provided by your university lecturer. This will help secure marks lost through simple mistakes. Another important reason for highlighting the main points before embarking on the real writing process is to ensure that the essay observe consistency. A good management essay should stick to explaining and developing specific points of view rather than offering a discussion of every management aspect. Showing a clear connection of the arguments with the topic throughout the research is crucial.The body should offer an analysis of data and measure them with respect to the thesis statement. Usually, data is collected with the objective of determining the validity of the thesis statement. After presenting an in depth argument in the body section, the next important step after the body is the conclusion. This stage is crucial as it consolidates what has already been debated. The tone of the conclusion is vital as it offers more persuasion for your readers. This section should not introduce new knowledge but should just reinforce what has already been discussed. The concluding stage presents the end of the paper and should offer an ending tune.。

留学生如何写好一篇Sociology Essay?

要想写好一篇Sociology Essay,我们留学生应该能够阅读和评价与论文主题相关的所有研究,并据此进行分析。这就是你如何在Sociology Essay中展示你的创意。要写一篇原创Sociology Essay,你不需要发明你自己的理论和方法。你所要做的就是了解你所学的社会学研究并分析它们是多么有用和准确。

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