


一、什么是逻辑GMAT中的逻辑CR(Critical Reasoning)其实就是批判性推理题,主要考察我们的分析与决策能力。分析即是否能够分析出论证的结论到底是如何由条件推出,在整个过程中有什么样的逻辑漏洞,也就是逻辑链。决策则是分析出问题后,我们需要用不同的方式去解决这些问题。这也就需要我们在逻辑中要处理不同题型,有不同的应对策略。

二、考试题型CR的题目形式是以文章 问题 选项组成的。一共有5个选项,根据问题在5个选项中选择一个符合题意的与原文逻辑关系相关的选项。一般来说,它的出题形式有增强或削弱结论,比如Which of the following, if true, would most weaken/ strengthen the author’s conclusion in lines …?这类题相对于其他题目来说难度相对较大。

以下题为例:Neuroscientist: Memory evolved to help animals react appropriately to situations they encounter by drawing on the past experience of similar situations. But this does not require that animals perfectly recall every detail of all their experiences. Instead, to function well, memory should generalize from past experiences that are similar to the current one.The neuroscientist`s statements, if true, most strongly support which of the following conclusions?A.At least some animals perfectly recall every detail of at least some past experiences. B. Perfectly recalling every detail of all their past experiences could help at least some animals react more appropriately than they otherwise would to new situations they encounter. C.Generalizing from past experiences requires clear memories of most if not all the details of those experiences. D.Recalling every detail of all past experiences would be incompatible with any ability to generalize from those experiences. E.Animals can often react more appropriately than they otherwise would to situations they encounter if they draw on generalizations from past experiences of similar situations.三、如何做好逻辑题学习资料的正确使用和学习方法的运用也是一大重点。

备考初期先做OG题,OG(Official Guide)是最为权威也是最基础的官方备考指南资料。做题时可能有些生僻词汇不认识,但逻辑思维题是要找到题目的主干和中心思想,而不是翻译,所以精力不要太放在词汇上,学会提炼题目中的有效信息,OG题至少刷3遍,并学会做归类和总结,做到对逻辑题的全面型了解。PREP(GMAT官方提供的GMAT模考软件)适合在刷完OG题后做巩固和强化,主要是熟悉考试的全真场景,掌握自己的做题顺序和速度。


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