



接下来,我们就来看看这种题型有什么注意点和解题方法。首先,我们来认识一下主旨类选择题。顾名思义,这种题型就是考察主旨大意的单项选择题,通常提问该篇文章的标题(title)、副标题(subtitle)、中心思想(theme/main idea)、写作目的(writing purpose)等等。由于文章的标题和副标题本就是对文章主要内容的总结概括,所以我们把它们统称为主旨类选择题,并且它总是以单独一题的形式出现在一篇文章所有题目的最后位置。

例如剑11-Test 2-Passage 3 “Neuroaesthetics”第40题:40. What would be the most appropriate subtle for the article?A. Some scientific insights into how the brain responds to abstract artB. Recent studies focusing on the neural activity of abstract artistsC. A comparison of the neurological bases of abstract and representational artD. How brain research has altered public opinion about abstract art那么这种题目该怎么去处理呢?第一,从答题顺序上看,这种题目应该放在最后来完成。


这种方法基本上大多数时候都是行得通的。因为雅思阅读文章通常都是结构清晰、逻辑分明的,所以文章的开头段落和结尾段落常常对整篇文章起到总结的作用。开头段一般是概述(overview)和介绍基本背景(background), 结尾段一般是总结(summary)和得出结论(conclusion)。因此,要想知道文章的主体内容和中心思想,参考一下头尾两段就是不错的选择。

当然,有时候文章可能还会包含引言(introduction)部分,也是值得参考的。例如剑6-Test 4-Passage 3第40题:40. Which of the following is the most suitable title for Reading Passage 3?A. Bullying: what parents can doB. Bullying: are the media to blameC. Bullying: the link with academic failureD. Bullying: from crisis management to prevention回到原文,可以看到文章开头的引言部分有这样的句子:“Persistent bullying is one of the worst experience a child can face. How can it be prevented?” 文章最后一段又提到:“With these developments, school can expect that at least the most serious kinds of bullying can largely be prevented.” 通过文章首末位置出现的这些总结性句子,我们不难看出,本文主旨不在于说校园霸凌现象中家长(选项A)和媒体(选项B)应该发挥什么作用,也不在于强调霸凌与学习成绩的关系(选项C),而在于研究其严重性和如何预防。




例如剑7-Test 3-Passage 3第40题:What is the best title for Reading Passage 3?A. The biological, economic and recreational role of forestsB. Plans to protect the forests of EuropeC. The priority of European research into ecosystemsD. Proposals for a world-wide policy on forest management我们再来看看这篇文章的其他题目,包含7道是非无判断题和6道配对题,如下:Questions 27–33Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 3?27. Forest problems of Mediterranean countries are to be discussed at the next meeting of experts.28. Problems in Nordic countries were excluded because they are outside the European Economic Community.29. Forests are a renewable source of raw material.30. The biological functions of forests were recognised only in the twentieth century.31. Natural forests still exist in parts of Europe.32. Forest policy should be limited by national boundaries.33. The Strasbourg conference decided that a forest policy must allow for the possibility of change.Questions 34–39Look at the following statements issued by the conference.Which six of the following statements, A-J, refer to the resolutions that were issued?Match the statements with the appropriate resolutions (Questions 34-39).A. All kinds of species of trees should be preserved.B. Fragile mountain forests should be given priority in research programs.C. The surviving natural forests of Europe do not need priority treatment.D. Research is to be better co-ordinated throughout Europe.E. Information on forest fires should be collected and shared.F. Loss of leaves from trees should be more extensively and carefully monitored.G. Resources should be allocated to research into tree diseases.H. Skiing should be encouraged in thinly populated areas.I. Soil imbalances such as acidification should be treated with compounds of nitrogen and sulphur.J. Information is to be systematically gathered on any decline in the condition of forests.34. Resolution 135. Resolution 236. Resolution 337. Resolution 438. Resolution 539. Resolution 6先观察一下所有的判断题,不难发现每道题里都出现了一个词——forest, 同时,在后面匹配题的十个选项里也有七个出现了forest或tree, 所以这个信息一定是核心内容,需要反映在标题中,这样可以排除掉选项C. The priority of European research into ecosystems。

接下来,由于这道选择题是放在其他题目之后完成的,所以我们已经可以知道其他题目具体对应原文的哪个部分。事实上,本文的前7道判断对应文章的前一半篇幅,后6道匹配对应文章的后一半篇幅,也就是说,这两大题可以涵盖文章几乎全部内容。那么,匹配题问及大会通过的六个resolution分别是什么内容,也就是说文章后半篇都在讨论这些决议方案,这样看来它也是文章的一项重要内容,选项B中的“plans”和选项D中的“proposals”都反映出这点,所以排除掉选项A. The biological, economic and recreational role of forests。

最后,选项B和D的核心差别就在于到底是“Europe”还是“world-wide”。我们回到判断题部分,27题中的“Mediterranean countries”, 28题中的“Nordic countries”和“European Economic Community”, 以及31题中明确出现的“Europe”, 都告诉我们这篇文章讨论的范围应该是在欧洲。

文章TAG:potential  acidification  potential  acidification  