
1.好好学习,天天向上。中式英语:Good good study.day day up.地道英语:Study hard and being outstanding.2.不三不四中式英语:No three no four.地道英语:Neither fish,flesh nor fowl;Neither one thing nor the other.3.人山人海中式英语:People mountain people sea.地道英语:Huge crowds of people;A sea of people.4.马马虎虎中式英语:Horse horse tiger tiger.英式英语:Just so so;Careless.5.你试试看!中式英语:You try try see!英式英语:Dare you!6.一路顺风中式英语:One rOAd with wind.英式英语:May a favorable wind send you safely home!I wish you a happy voyage!7.爱谁谁中式英语:Love wh who.地道英语:Whoever;no matter who.8.心花怒放中式英语:Heart flower angry open.英式英语:Elated.9.彼此彼此中式英语:You me you me.英式英语:We are the same.10.七上八下中式英语:Seven up eight down.英式英语:Upset.。

文章TAG:桌子用英语怎么说  中关村  英语怎么说  桌子  英语  怎么  