
31 A 取消 32 A 完成 33 B (help of) 利用 34 D (run out) 用完 35 C 导致 (A 不对,因为应该是 resulted in) 36 C 假期 37 B 进行 38 B 目标 39 A 最爱 40 A 反应 41 A 戴着



每年不太一样的, 按照现在全国卷理综300满分,中化学占比100分统计, 一般有机化学占比20分左右,也就是1/4左右的, 一般是选择题有一道,大题一道的。
不知这是不是标准答案。根据酸与醇的缩聚反应原理,酸脱羟基醇脱氢,答案中的方程式是错误的,而你提出的才是正确的,即左边露出oh,右边露出h。这方程式在高中化学选修5(人教版)第109页有,基本是一样的,你可以参考一下。 参考答案错了。
一般一道6分选择题, 和一道15分选做大题



图中纵坐标是频率/组距, 组距是10,那么纵坐标×10就是频率了 平均数=∑频率×身高,就是所有身高×对应频率的和,要乘的是频率就是纵坐标×10 (平均数=∑数据×频率,这是基本的计算公式) 分层抽样所分的类所选人数和总人数的比例是一致的,总的A有750人,B有250人, A:B=750:250=3:1,那么分层抽样选择的人数比例也要符合A:B=3:1,总得要选取100人,则选出A中的为75人B中的为25人.那么身高达标不积极参加体育锻炼的为75-40=35,身高不达标积极参加体育锻炼的有25-15=10 表格中第一行为10,50;第二行为35,50;第三行为75,25
纠结 看不清



I. 1-5 BBCBC II. 1. reading 2.badly 3. visitors 4. hosted5. ourselves III. 1. are a symbol 2. stand for 3. at least IV. 1-5 TFTTF V. 1-5 ACACC 6-10 ABCCB VI. One possible version: The 29thOlympics has been over. Beijing is getting moreand more beautiful. And therewill be more foreigners in Beijing. We should plant more trees andgrass. Weshould improve our environment. We should do more exercise to buildourselvesup. We should make our country strong. Everyone in China should be friendly tothepeople all over the world.


第一卷 选择题 1B 2B 3D 4B 5C 6B 7A 8B 9C 10D 11D 12D 13B 选择题 14BD 15B 16A 17BD 18D 19C 20BC 21AC 第二卷 1必考题 22、2.25。 6.860 23、 (2)20 (3)160~~520 28、 (1)反应物能量 生成物能量 没有影响 降低 因为催化剂改变了反应历程,使活化能E降低 (2)-198 (4)0.025 0.05 29、(1)甲 C 甲 30、 (1)神经递质 突触间摩 特异性受体 (2)不能,有机细胞产生的兴奋在神经肌肉接头处不能逆向传递 (3)能 32、 (1)较强 微小 (2)B D (3)竞争 捕食 5n 33(1)链传动 带传动 液压传动 从动论 从动轮 主动轮
由于2009年宁夏数学高考试题和答案尚未发布,以下为您提供: 2009年宁夏高考数学理科部分预测试题及答案,以供参考...... 将函数y=2x+1的图象按向量a平移得到函数y=2x+1的图象,则(  )   A.a=(-1,-1) B.a=(1,-1) C.a=(1,1) D.a=(-1,1)   【答案】A   【解析】将函数y=2x+1的图象向左平移1个单位可得函数y=2x+1+1的图象,再将该函数图象向下平移1个单位可得函数y=2x+1的图象,由此可得平移向量a=(-1,-1),故应选A.   2.集合、简易逻辑   考试内容:   集合.子集.补集.交集.并集.   逻辑联结词.四种命题.充分条件和必要条件.   考试要求:   (1)理解集合、子集、补集、交集、并集的概念.了解空集和全集的意义.了解属于、包含、相等关系的意义.掌握有关的术语和符号,并会用它们正确表示一些简单的集合.   【导读】数形结合是解集合问题的常用方法,解题时要尽可能地借助数轴、直角坐标系或韦恩图等工具,将抽象的代数问题具体化、形象化、直观化,然后利用数形结合的思维方法解决问题.学会运用数形结合、分类讨论的思维方法分析和解决有关集合的问题,形成良好的思维品质.   【试题举例】   已知集合S=x∈Rx+1≥2,T=-2,-1,0,1,2,则S∩T=(  )   A.2  B.1,2  C.0,1,2  D.-1,0,1,2   【答案】B   【解析】(直接法)S=x∈Rx+1≥2?S=x∈Rx≥1,T=-2,-1,0,1,2,故S∩T=1,2.   (排除法)由S=x∈Rx+1≥2?S=x∈Rx≥1可知S∩T中的元素比0要大,而C、D项中有元素0,故排除C、D项,且S∩T中含有元素1,故排除A项.故答案为B.   (2)理解逻辑联结词"或""且""非"的含义.理解四种命题及其相互关系.掌握充分条件、必要条件及充要条件的意义.   【导读】可以判断真假的语句叫做命题.构成复合命题的p或q可以是两个不相关的命题,判断命题真假的步骤是:(1)定形式;(2)判简单;(3)判复合,以真值表为依据.规律是"或命题"一真俱真,要假全假."且命题"一假俱假,要真全真.当一个命题的真假不易判断时,可考虑判断其等价命题的真假.高考在考查其他部分内容时涉及集合的知识.很少有正面考查逻辑的内容.逻辑与充要条件的知识往往是和其他知识结合起来并汇考查.   【试题举例】   "a=2"是"直线ax+2y=0平行于直线x+y=1"的(  )   A.充分而不必要条件   B.必要而不充分条件   C.充分必要条件   D.既不充分也不必要条件   【答案】C 【解析】当a=2时,直线2x+2y=0平行于直线x+y=1,则是充分条件;直线ax+2y=0平行于直线x+y=1时有:a=2,则是必要条件,故是充分必要条件.   3.函数   考试内容:   映射.函数.函数的单调性、奇偶性.   反函数.互为反函数的函数图象间的关系.   指数概念的扩充.有理指数幂的运算性质.指数函数.   对数.对数的运算性质.对数函数.


2010年河北中考数学试题及答案 2010河北省中考数学答案 编辑 | 删除 | 权限设置 | 更多▼ 更多▲ 设置置顶 推荐日志 转为私密日志 紫梦 发表于2010年06月29日 10:53 阅读(0) 评论(0) 分类: 个人日记 权限: 公开 2010年河北省初中毕业生升学文化课考试 数学试题参考答案 一、选择题 题 号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 答 案 D C D C A B B A C B D B 二、填空题 13. 14.5 15. 16.1 17.36 π 18. = 三、解答题 19.解: , . 经检验知, 是原方程的解. 20.解: (1)如图1; 【注:若学生作图没用圆规,所画路线光滑且基本准确即给4分】 (2)∵ , ∴点P经过的路径总长为6 π. 21.解:(1)144; (2)如图2; (3)甲校的平均分为8.3分,中位数为7分; 由于两校平均分相等,乙校成绩的中位数大于甲 校的中位数,所以从平均分和中位数角度上判断, 乙校的成绩较好. (4)因为选8名学生参加市级口语团体赛,甲校得 10分的有8人,而乙校得10分的只有5人,所以应选甲校. 22.解:(1)设直线DE的解析式为 , ∵点D ,E的坐标为(0,3)、(6,0),∴ 解得 ∴ . ∵ 点M在AB边上,B(4,2),而四边形OABC是矩形, ∴ 点M的纵坐标为2. 又 ∵ 点M在直线 上, ∴ 2 = .∴ x = 2.∴ M(2,2). (2)∵ (x>0)经过点M(2,2),∴ .∴ . 又 ∵ 点N在BC边上,B(4,2),∴点N的横坐标为4. ∵ 点N在直线 上, ∴ .∴ N(4,1). ∵ 当 时,y = = 1,∴点N在函数 的图象上. (3)4≤ m ≤8. 23.解:(1)4 5 6; (2)不对. ∵OP = 2,PQ = 3,OQ = 4,且42≠32 + 22,即OQ2≠PQ2 + OP2, ∴OP与PQ不垂直.∴PQ与⊙O不相切. (3)① 3; ②由①知,在⊙O上存在点P, 到l的距离为3,此时,OP将不能再向下转动,如图3.OP在绕点O左右摆动过程中所扫过的最大扇形就是 OP. 连结 P,交OH于点D. ∵PQ, 均与l垂直,且PQ = , ∴四边形PQ 是矩形.∴OH⊥P ,PD = D. 由OP = 2,OD = OH HD = 1,得∠DOP = 60°. ∴∠PO = 120°. ∴ 所求最大圆心角的度数为120°. 24.解:(1)AO = BD,AO⊥BD; (2)证明:如图4,过点B作BE‖CA交DO于E,∴∠ACO = ∠BEO. 又∵AO = OB,∠AOC = ∠BOE, ∴△AOC ≌ △BOE.∴AC = BE. 又∵∠1 = 45°, ∴∠ACO = ∠BEO = 135°. ∴∠DEB = 45°. ∵∠2 = 45°,∴BE = BD,∠EBD = 90°.∴AC = BD. 延长AC交DB的延长线于F,如图4.∵BE‖AC,∴∠AFD = 90°.∴AC⊥BD. (3)如图5,过点B作BE‖CA交DO于E,∴∠BEO = ∠ACO. 又∵∠BOE = ∠AOC , ∴△BOE ∽ △AOC. ∴ . 又∵OB = kAO, 由(2)的方法易得 BE = BD.∴ . 25.解:(1)y = 2t;(2)当BP = 1时,有两种情形: ①如图6,若点P从点M向点B运动,有 MB = = 4,MP = MQ = 3, ∴PQ = 6.连接EM, ∵△EPQ是等边三角形,∴EM⊥PQ.∴ . ∵AB = ,∴点E在AD上. ∴△EPQ与梯形ABCD重叠部分就是△EPQ,其面 积为 . ②若点P从点B向点M运动,由题意得 . PQ = BM + MQ BP = 8,PC = 7.设PE与AD交于点F,QE与AD或AD的 延长线交于点G,过点P作PH⊥AD于点H,则 HP = ,AH = 1.在Rt△HPF中,∠HPF = 30°, ∴HF = 3,PF = 6.∴FG = FE = 2.又∵FD = 2, ∴点G与点D重合,如图7.此时△EPQ与梯形ABCD 的重叠部分就是梯形FPCG,其面积为 . (3)能.4≤t≤5. 26.解:(1)140 57500; (2)w内 = x(y -20)- 62500 = x2+130 x , w外 = x2+(150 )x. (3)当x = = 6500时,w内最大;分 由题意得 , 解得a1 = 30,a2 = 270(不合题意,舍去).所以 a = 30. (4)当x = 5000时,w内 = 337500, w外 = . 若w内 < w外,则a<32.5; 若w内 = w外,则a = 32.5; 若w内 > w外,则a>32.5. 所以,当10≤ a <32.5时,选择在国外销售; 当a = 32.5时,在国外和国内销售都一样; 当32.5< a ≤40时,选择在国内销售


52.(6×108)(7×109)(4×104). 53.(-5xn+1y)?(-2x). 54.(-3ab)?(-a2c)?6ab2. 55.(-4a)?(2a2+3a-1). 58.(3m-n)(m-2n). 59.(x+2y)(5a+3b). 60.(-ab)3?(-a2b)?(-a2b4c)2. 61.[(-a)2m]3?a3m+[(-a)5m]2. 62.xn+1(xn-xn-1+x). 63.(x+y)(x2-xy+y2). 65.5x(x2+2x+1)-(2x+3)(x-5). 67.(2x-3)(x+4). 70.(-2ambn)(-a2bn)(-3ab2). 74.(m-n)(m5+m4n+m3n2+m2n3+mn4+n5). 75.(2a2-1)(a-4)(a2+3)(2a-5). 76.2[(x+2)(x+1)-3]+(x-1)(x-2)-3x(x+3). 77.(0.3a3b4)2?(-0.2a4b3)3. 78.(-4xy3)?(-xy)+(-3xy2)2. 80.(5a3+2a-a2-3)(2-a+4a2). 81.(3x4-2x2+x-3)(4x3-x2+5). 83.(3am+2bn+2)(2am+2am-2bn-2+3bn). 86.[(-a2b)3]3?(-ab2). 87.(-2ab2)3?(3a2b-2ab-4b2). 91.(-2xmyn)3?(-x2yn)?(-3xy2)2. 92.(0.2a-1.5b+1)(0.4a-4b-0.5). 93.-8(a-b)3?3(b-a). 94.(x+3y+4)(2x-y). 96.y[y-3(x-z)]+y[3z-(y-3x)]. 52.(6×108)(7×109)(4×104). 53.(-5xn+1y)?(-2x). 54.(-3ab)?(-a2c)?6ab2. 55.(-4a)?(2a2+3a-1). 58.(3m-n)(m-2n). 59.(x+2y)(5a+3b). 60.(-ab)3?(-a2b)?(-a2b4c)2. 61.[(-a)2m]3?a3m+[(-a)5m]2. 62.xn+1(xn-xn-1+x). 63.(x+y)(x2-xy+y2). 65.5x(x2+2x+1)-(2x+3)(x-5). 67.(2x-3)(x+4). 70.(-2ambn)(-a2bn)(-3ab2). 74.(m-n)(m5+m4n+m3n2+m2n3+mn4+n5). 75.(2a2-1)(a-4)(a2+3)(2a-5). 76.2[(x+2)(x+1)-3]+(x-1)(x-2)-3x(x+3). 77.(0.3a3b4)2?(-0.2a4b3)3. 78.(-4xy3)?(-xy)+(-3xy2)2. 80.(5a3+2a-a2-3)(2-a+4a2). 81.(3x4-2x2+x-3)(4x3-x2+5). 83.(3am+2bn+2)(2am+2am-2bn-2+3bn). 86.[(-a2b)3]3?(-ab2). 87.(-2ab2)3?(3a2b-2ab-4b2). 91.(-2xmyn)3?(-x2yn)?(-3xy2)2. 92.(0.2a-1.5b+1)(0.4a-4b-0.5). 93.-8(a-b)3?3(b-a). 94.(x+3y+4)(2x-y). 96.y[y-3(x-z)]+y[3z-(y-3x)]. 97.计算[(-a)2m]3?a3m+[(-a)3m]3(m为自然数). 1, (m+2)(m2+4)(m+2) =(m+2) (m+2) (m2+4) =( m2+4m+4) (m2+4) =(m2+4) (m2+4)+4m(m2+4) =m4+8m+16+4m3+16m 2,20022-2001*2003 =(2001+1)(2003-1)-2001*2003 =2001*2003+2001+2003+1-2001*2003 =2001+2003+1 3, (x-5)(x+5)-(x+1)(x+5) =x2-25-(x2+6x+5) =-6x-30 4, (-a+2b的平方)-(a+2b)(2b-a) =(2b-a) (2b-a)-(2b+a)(2b-a) =4b2-4ab+a2-4b2+a2 =2 a2-4ab1) 66x+17y=3967 25x+y=1200 答案:x=48 y=47 (2) 18x+23y=2303 74x-y=1998 答案:x=27 y=79 (3) 44x+90y=7796 44x+y=3476 答案:x=79 y=48 (4) 76x-66y=4082 30x-y=2940 答案:x=98 y=51 (5) 67x+54y=8546 71x-y=5680 答案:x=80 y=59 (6) 42x-95y=-1410 21x-y=1575 答案:x=75 y=48 (7) 47x-40y=853 34x-y=2006 答案:x=59 y=48 (8) 19x-32y=-1786 75x+y=4950 答案:x=66 y=95 (9) 97x+24y=7202 58x-y=2900 答案:x=50 y=98 (10) 42x+85y=6362 63x-y=1638 答案:x=26 y=62(1)3x^4*4x^3=( ) (2)(-x^2)^2*(-3xy)*(2y^2)^3 (3)(-2x)^2*(x^2-1/2X+1) (4)2m^2-n(5m-n)-m(2m-5n) (5)已知xy^2=-3,求-xy(x^2y^5-xy^3-y)的值 (6)已知ab=3,求(2a^3b^2-3a^2b+4a)*(-2b) (7)-4x(2x^2+3x-1) (8)-3x^2(2xy+y^2-2) (9)(-1/3 a^2-3ab)·3/4ab^2 (10)2A乘6A的平方 (11)(-4XY的3次)(-2X的平方) (12)(2*10的平方)*(3*10的5次) (13)A(2A的平方+1) (14)(-4X的平方+6X)·(-1/2X的平方) (15)(-2A)*A-(-2A)的平方 (16)(-2X的平方Y)·(-2/3XY)·(-8XY) (17)已知xy的2次方=-2,求-xy(x的2次方-xy的3次方-y)的值 (18)(-4x^2+6x)×(-1/2x^2) (19)已知长方体的长、宽、高分别为X,2X,3X,求该长方形的表面积与体积 (20)(2-4/x)`(-4X


上海 英语试卷 (1999年上海) 英语试卷 一、语法 从下列各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 l. What a pity my new computer doesn’t work.______ must be something wrongwith it.(1999年上海) A.It B.ThereC.This D.That 2.E-mail, as well as telephones, ______ an important part in daily communication.(1999年上海) A.Is playing B.have playedC.are playing D.play 3.______ has hdped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.(1999年上海) A.Who B.The oneC.Anyone D.Whoever 4.______ is mentioned above,the number of the students in senior high schools isincreasing.(1999年上海) A.Which B.AsC.That D.It 5.It was ______ he said ______ disappointed me. A.what … that B.that … thatC.what … what D. that … what 6.It is not rare in ______ that people in ______ fifties are going to university forfurther education.(1999年上海) A.90s … the B.the 90s…C.90s…their D.the 90s…their 7. The director gave me a better offer than ______ .(1999年上海) A.that of Dick’s B.Dick’sC.he gave Dick D. those of Dick 8.—— Let me tell you something about the journalists. ——Don’t you remember me the story yesterday?(1999年上海) A.told B.tellingC.to tell D.to have told 9.______ your composition carefully, some spelling mistakes can be avoided.(1999年上海) A.Having checked B. CheckC.If you check D. To check 10.______ everybody knows about it, I don’t want to talk any more.(1999年上海) A. For B.EvenC. Since D.However 11. The number of the employees has grown from l,000 to l,200.This means it hasrisen ______ 20 percent.(1999年上海) A.by B.atC.to D.with 12. Books of this kind ______ well.(1999年上海) A.sell B.sell C.are sold D.is sold 13. One more week. ______ we will accomplish the task.(1999年上海) A.or B.so thatC.and D.if 14. There was a lot of fun at yesterday’s party. You ______ come,but why didn’tyou?(1999年上海) A.must have B.shouldC. need have D. ought to have 15.——It was careless of you to have left your clothes outside all night. —— My God!______ .(1999年上海) A. So did I B. So I didC.So were you D.So did you 16.He ______ to the lab than he set out to do the experiment.(1999年上海) A. has no sooner got B.no sooner gotC. will no sooner getD. had no sooner got 17.There are five pairs ______.but I’m at a loss which to buy.(1999年上海) A. to be chosen B. to choose fromC. to choose D.for choosing 18.——Mum, why do you a1Ways make me eat an egg every day? ——______ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.(1999年上海) A.Get B.GettingC.To get D.To be getting 19. A computer does only what thinking people ______.(1999年上海) A.have it do B. have it doneC. have done it D. having it done 20. The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the ______.(1999年上海) A. 20 dollars remainedB.20 dollars to remainC.remained 20 dollarsD.remaining 20 dollars 二、词汇 从下列各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 21. May I speak to Mr. Thomas, please? ——I’m afraid he isn’t in. Would you like to ______ a message?(1999年上海) A.take B.write C.leave D.tell 22.The manager has ______ to improve the working conditions in the company.(1999年上海) A.accepted B.allowedC.permitted D.agreed 23. Those T-shirts are usually $35 each, but today they have a ______ price of $19 inthe Shopping Center.(1999年上海) A.regular B.specialC.cheap D.particular 24. We all know that ______ speak louder than words.(1999年上海) A.movements B.performancesC.operations D.actions 25. My parents always let me have my own ______ of living.(1999年上海) A.way B.methodC.manner D.fashion 26.______ with foreign countries can bring us much information about the world.(1999年上海) A.Contrast B.CompetitionC.Contact D.Combination 27. Mother told Jim to ______ the milk until it boiled and then turn off the gas.(1999年上海) A.observe B.watchC.notice D.glance 28. It is a good way for us to memorize new words by seeing them ______.(1999年上海) A. properly B.repeatedlyC.clearly D.usually 29. The new law will come into ______ on the day it is passed.(1999年上海) A.effect B.use C.service D.existence 30.Washington, a state in the United States, was named ______ one of the greatestAmerican presidents.(1999年上海) A. in honour of B.instead ofC.in favour of D.by means of 三、语言功能 从下列各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 31.——My daughter has passed the exam. —— Congratulations! She’s really intelligent. ——______(1999年上海) A.No., no, she is nothing. B.Oh, thank you!C.Sometimes she is intelligent. D.You are right. 32.——Would you rathor come on Friday or Saturday? ——______(1999年上海) A.Yes, of course. B.The other is better. C.What’s the matter? D.Either would suit me. 33.——______. ——It’s nothing to worry about.Inever liked it anyway.(1999年上海) A.I lost my Walkman this morning. B.I feel awful.I’ye got a cold. C.I feel terrible,but I’Ve left your tape somewhere. D.I’m sorry, but we don’t have that medicine. 34.——You forgot to feed the cat again! ——______(1999年上海) A.I can’t remember.B.I don’t mind feeding her again. C.I’11 do it now D.Yes, I did. What about you? 35.——would you like to go to the Grand Theater with me tonight? ——______(1999年上海) A.Yes, I would like to go to the Grand Theater with you tonight. B.I’d love to, but I have an exam tomorrow. C.No, I wouldn’t. D.That’s all right. 36.——Jane: Tom, let me introduce you to Lucy. ——Tom:______ ——Lucy:Hi, I’m Lucy Lee.(1999年上海) A.What’s your name? B.Hello. C.Nice to see you. D.Sorry, not right now. 37.——Mum, I’ve cut my finger. It’s bleeding! ——______(1999年上海) A.Let me see. B.Don’t worry.C.Be careful. D.Let me have a look. 38.——What’s happened to my library books? ——______(1999年上海) A.I’ve no idea.B.You borrowed them from the library. C.You bought them yesterday.D.They’re about long life. 39.—— My children are always arguing. ——______(1999年上海) A.Just ignore them. B.that’s right. C.Are you sure? D.How old is the boy? 40.—— Where is Tom this morning? ——He’s got a cold. ——______(1999年上海) A.Just tell him to take it easy.B.What’s the matter with him? C.He is absent.D.What?Where is he? 1999年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试上海英语试卷答案及评分标准 第一至第四大题,每小题1分。 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.C 11.A 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.D 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.D 21.C 22.D 23.B 24.D 25.A 26.C 27.B 28.B 29.A 30.A 31.B 32.D 33.C 34.C 35.B 36.B 37.D 38.A 39.A 40.A

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