




金英:[ɡ??ld]美:[ɡo?ld]n.金; 金币; 金饰品; 黄金制品; 金色; 金黄色; adj.金色的; 例句:We handed over all our gold and money.我们将所有的金首饰和钱都交了出来



gold是一个英语单词,可以用作名词和形容词,可以翻译为金、黄金,等等。gold 英[g??ld] 美[go?ld] n. 金色; 金币; 金,黄金; 金饰品; adj. 金色的; 金(制)的,含金的; 金本位的; [例句]The price of gold was going up.黄金的价格在上涨。[其他] 复数:golds



Hongkong Yilong gold top fishing rodrod_百度翻译rod 英[r?d] 美[rɑ:d] n. 杆,拉杆; 惩罚,体罚; (责打人用的) 棍棒; 手枪; [例句]Some of the best extensions are made from sections of rod tube or drainpipe.最好的延长管中有些是用杆管或排水管制成的。[其他] 复数:rods


GOLD: [ g?uld ] a. 含金的,金(制)的n. 金子例句与用法: 1. All is not gold that glitters. 闪闪发光的未必都是黄金。 2. She wore so much jewellery that she seemed to be covered in gold. 她戴了那么多首饰,看上去象是包在金子里似的。 3. The monetary system of some countries used to be based on gold. 过去有些国家的货币制度是金本位制的。 4. All that glitters is not gold. 【谚】闪光的东西不一定是金子。 5. Gold, slaves and ivory were sent north. 黄金、奴隶和象牙被运送到北方。 6. A reliable car is worth its weight in gold. 靠得住的汽车就是无价之宝. 7. The Olympic winner received a gold medal as an award. 奥林匹克的优胜者获得一枚金质奖章作为奖赏。 英英解释: 名词gold:1. coins made of gold2. a deep yellow color同义词:amber3. a soft yellow malleable ductile (trivalent and univalent) metallic element; occurs mainly as nuggets in rocks and alluvial deposits; does not react with most chemicals but is attacked by chlorine and aqua regia同义词:Au, atomic number 794. great wealth--Ben Jonson5. something likened to the metal in brightness or preciousness or superiority etc.形容词gold:1. made from or covered with gold同义词:golden, gilded2. having the deep slightly brownish color of gold同义词:aureate, gilded, gilt, golden

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